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Boone Update 01/12/23

Boone is now 19 months old and is officially a WALKER! Boone has been absolutely excelling with his physical therapist and is now mastering his strut! We have also started Occupational Therapy as well as his Speech Therapy and have completed his initial swallow study. In addition, we have been referred to Developmental Pediatrics for more support and evaluations as well as ENT and to have a full barium swallow study done at the hospital to see exactly why swallowing thin liquids is challenging for him. We have also been recommended to have his hearing tested to ensure that diminished hearing is not the reason for his speech delay. We are still waiting on his genetic testing results but are happy to announce that it shouldn't be much longer; expected before March 2. Boone's demeanor is even happier these days now that he can get up and play more with his brother and sister. He continues to improve with his fine motor, problem solving, and communication skills each week with all of his therapists. Boone ha recently enjoyed playing with his siblings, playing with magnet tiles, swinging, and playing peek a boo around the corner with all of us. I appreciate all of the support and love that we receive from our customers, friends, and family far and wide. 

Boone Update 11/28/22

Boone will be 18 months old on Dec 2. Boone is doing great with his therapies! He is now doing physical therapy and Early Intervention each week and showing steady progress after a few weeks of plateau. This week he is set to start Occupational Therapy with Little Tikes Therapy in Newberry. We are still waiting on Speech Therapy services but hope to start soon as he is still lacking the ability to say any words at this time. We are also still waiting on his genetic testing to come back but do have a swallow study scheduled for the end of December, which will help us get to the bottom of his swallowing problems and aspiration of thin liquids. We are continuing to explore other diagnoses with his primary care physician and have gotten referrals to other specialists, which we hope will help as well. Overall, Boone is a very happy boy who loves playing and really doesn't seem to let his disabilities slow him down too much! The most frustrating thing for him is that he cannot run and chase his brother and sister as much as he would like to...but sometimes we'll pick him up and zoom him around the room behind them, which he loves. Other things Boone loves are his cup, movement activities, swinging, and watching Toy Story. He also loves a good car ride! Thank you all for your continuous thoughts, prayers, and support while we continue to find his diagnosis.  

Boone Update 10/25/2022

We have received results back from Boone's pediatric neurosurgeon regarding his MRI, which came back all negative. This means they did not see any evidence of "Tethered Cord Syndrome," which was his initial thought-to-be diagnosis. We have been working with an Early Interventionist through Building Dreams here in Laurens, SC and have seen steady progress with some of Boone's skills including standing and cruising with assistance and learning some sign language! As of this week, we are adding Physical Therapy back into our weekly schedule as well as Speech Therapy close on the horizon. This week we will also be attending an appointment with Greenwood Genetics to begin the journey of genetic testing to see if that holds any answer to his developmental delays. Boone will be 17 Months old in November.

We are currently enrolled with the state program, BabyNet, which is helping us with his Early Intervention, Physical Therapy and Speech Therapies. We are still working to cover his diagnostic testing and appointments, which is expensive even with our medical insurance. We want to thank anyone who has supported our business or donated toward Boone's medical care thus far. We want to remind everyone that items with the "For Boone" banner are specifically raising funds to cover the costs associated with doing everything we can to make sure he is taken care of the best he can. If you haven't already and would like to, you can contribute by purchasing anything in our store, or hitting any of the "donate" buttons throughout the website. You may also send a donation on Venmo to @hastingscorner. We are eternally thankful for all of you.

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For Boone

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Our family has been working through some health and developmental challenges with our youngest son, Boone. We have had different doctor appointments, including specialists and therapies, imaging and more to get to the root cause of his symptoms. We are going in for more imaging, and if his suspected condition is confirmed, he will need a specialized surgery to correct it. This would be required to move forward with gross motor development and prevent further damage to his body's functions.  We have decided to use the pecan tree as a special fundraiser with the symbolism of a pecan tree being financial security and strength!  We have a limited number of each ready to purchase and available at the Simpsonville's Farmer's Market. You'll also find other items in our shop with the banner stating they're "for Boone" & these purchases will be used towards his medical expenses, medical related travel and stay, and medical equipment specifically. 

Thank each of you for your continued support!

-Mady & Matt

Boone Fundraiser

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